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"I know what to do...I just can't get myself to do it consistently!"

If this sounds familiar, and you have a goal to lose weight, eat better, or generally live healthier...we can help.

Have you ever thought...

  • "I wish I didn't have to worry about what I'm eating all the time..." 
  • "I feel like I'm successful in most areas of my life, but I can't seem to get my eating habits under control..."
  • "I know what I should be doing, I just can't seem to get myself to do it consistently!"
  • "I'm tired of feeling stressed out and busy all the time, I wish it felt easier to prioritise my health..."

If yes, then you know how frustrating it can be to find the right advice and support.

That's what inspired us to create this membership

We were sick of hearing stories about people who really showed up and put a lot of effort into diets and programs, only to be left feeling stuck and let down once the program ended, thanks to:

  • Programs that promise fast results, but never teach us how to keep our healthy habits going beyond the program end date...
  • Diet industry messaging that pushes black and white food rules, restriction, and "just work harder" messaging on us, without paying any attention to the everyday stressors, busy schedule, and unique situations that most of us are dealing with today...
  • Most programs only ever address the physical side of health and weight loss (like what exercise to do or what food to eat) but they never address the true hard part of living a healthy lifestyle... how to stick to the workout or eating plan when you don't feel like it, dealing with food cravings, and how to keep showing up on days when it feels really hard...

If any of this is resonating with you, know that you’re definitely not alone!

I've been let down by all of the above more times than I can count...

Hi, I'm Eloise

Eloise profile photo

I’m an ex-aerospace engineering student, turned personal trainer, turned behaviour change & nutrition coach who loves to read books and drink green tea.

I’ve tried more diets and "healthy lifestyle overhauls" in my lifetime than I'd like to admit.

I've been a healthy-lifestyle-dropout more times than I can count. I typically had two modes: I was either "all in" or "completely giving up on myself". Naturally, I ran into many problems doing things this way, particularly when I would completely give up on my goals, and start beating myself up when things started to feel too hard.

I always thought I was just bad at sticking to my healthy lifestyle habits. I said "I KNOW what I should be doing, I just can't seem to do it!" on an almost daily basis. I thought I was broken. I thought my metabolism was slow, and my hormones were unbalanced, because it felt like I had to work 10 times harder than everyone else to maintain some semblance of a healthy lifestyle...

But it turns out I was wrong.

It wasn't me that was broken, it was the outdated system I was trying to follow.

I wanted to be able to naturally maintain my ideal weight without having to worry so much about what I was eating or how perfect my workout routine was...

Yet the system I was following wasn't teaching me how to fundamentally change my behaviour, it was just giving me random rules to follow.

So I could follow them for a while, but the minute life got a bit stressful, or I got busy, or I got whole routine would go out the window.

I decided I was going to figure out how to become that person who naturally lives a healthy lifestyle, no matter how long it took.

In that moment, I made a commitment to do things right this time:
No more diets. 
No more quick fix tactics.
No more doing things that made me feel like crap.

Thankfully, I stuck to this commitment and I’ve come along way since then.  I've lost over 10 kgs, a few dress sizes, and I've learned a whole lot of life changing stuff on this journey. But the best part? I've kept the results without going back to any diet or exercise tactic that didn't work for me. I found a way to never give up on myself, even when it felt hard.

Wanna know how I did it?

After immersing myself into the world of habits and the science of behaviour change, I realised that the physical side of health and weight loss isn't what's hard...

Anyone can follow a diet or workout program for a while...

What's REALLY hard (and unfortunately never addressed in most programs) is the psychological side. Things like: 

  • Knowing how to keep going, even when you don't feel like doing it...
  • Learning how to adjust the plan for your unique circumstances and lifestyle
  • Figuring out how to stick to the plan, even when you're not seeing the results you hoped for...
  • Learning how to trust the process, even when everyone around you is doing things differently and/or giving you their opinion on what you should do...
  • Learning how to quiet the mind-chatter of your inner critic, so you can talk to yourself in a way that makes you WANT to take healthy actions, even after you mess up or fall off track...
  • Finding new ways to deal with stress and boredom that don't involve food...

And when I learned the strategies and tools to overcome these roadblocks is when I truly started to change. My behaviours started to become more automatic.

I started losing weight, without feeling like it was a battle all the time.

I started feeling like I had more energy, and could focus in ways I never could before.

I no longer felt like I had to give up on my healthy habits when life got stressful, I felt confident I could keep them up no matter what life threw my way.

And now? I teach these exact strategies and tools to awesome clients inside my monthly membership, The Habit Reset!

Introducing The Habit Reset

The Habit Reset will take you from feeling stuck trying to lose weight on diets and challenges, only ever getting temporary results, to becoming a person who naturally maintains their ideal weight.

Inside this online membership, you'll get access to our simple habit change framework, plus all the tools and resources you need to lose weight for good, without confusion or overwhelm.

What Makes The Habit Reset Different?

We use simple, doable, and proven daily actions that help retrain your habits and behaviours, and rewire your brain, so you can become one of those people who makes staying in shape look natural and effortless. 

We care about your long-term results, not just the weight you lose.

The Habit Reset Will Help You To...

Build lifelong habits

We teach simple habits that you can sustain for life. We do not advocate diets or quick-fix methods that won't serve you long-term.

Start where you're at

No matter what life situation you're currently in, no matter how much weight you have to lose, no matter how "unfit" you feel, we've got your back.

Lose weight and live your life

Don't put your life on hold in the name of weight loss ever again. Enjoy social situations and tasty food guilt-free, while still seeing results.

Feel confident in yourself

Our proven framework is a simple step-by-step process to create lasting change in your life. Once you learn it, you can feel confident that you always know the next step.

Feel supported at every turn

Get access to coaches with 10+ years experience in nutrition and weight loss coaching, plus a community of people who are on a similar journey. You're not alone!

Keep going, even when it feels hard

We can't lose weight if we quit. That's why we teach you exactly how to keep going when times get tough, & how to enjoy the process, no matter what stage you're at.

Meet your second coach, Aaron.

Aaron holding PN certificates

I’m an ex-carpenter, turned habit & nutrition coach who enjoys training for strength sports, and watching The Last Kingdom on Netflix.

I am particularly passionate about habit and behaviour change, especially after the 2 years I spent studying both Level 1 and Level 2 Nutrition Coaching with Precision Nutrition.

A few years ago I lost 11kgs implementing the methods we now teach inside The Habit Reset, and I've never looked back. I still use these methods to this day.

I now enjoy working with clients and watching them transform their lives through simple and doable habits. It's awesome to see such big results come from relatively small lifestyle changes!

As a member, you'll get access to:

The Habit Reset Signature Course

This course is our step by step framework to build habits that stick so you can lose weight for good. You get immediate access to this course which is THE weight loss playbook, and it's right there for you to access at anytime and go through at your own pace!

Monthly Live Calls & Workshops

Aaron and myself will be hosting live workshops, masterclasses, Q&A sessions, and coaching calls inside the membership. You'll get all the real time support and accountability you need. (Plus you can access all the replays of any calls you miss as well!)

The Habit Library

Everything you need to build new habits, break old habits, and lose weight for life - you'll find it all in The Habit Library! All content is available in both video and audio format (plus we have a private member podcast for you to listen on the go!) We are adding more to this resource library every month, so it'll just keep getting better and better!

Custom Journal & Worksheets

We've specially designed custom materials to help you take action and apply what you learn. You'll get habit trackers, journal pages, workbooks, and much more, all pre-created to support you on your health journey!

Direct Access to Coaches & Community

Accountability and support are both crucial aspects of a successful weight loss journey. You'll find both inside The Habit Reset! Surround yourself with people who get it, and who want to see you win. As a member, you get direct access to coaches to ask questions, as well as get feedback and advice relating to your personal situation. We also have our "Ask Coaches" feature which allows you to ask coaches anything anonymously!

...All of this and much more ONLY inside The Habit Reset

Words from our clients

"I'm loving it! Thanks for such a thorough answer to my question!! It was just what I needed. Seriously, so happy I stumbled on your YouTube channel! This feels like a true life style change and I cannot say that about anything I've done in the past for weight management and my relationship with food (and I've done a lot)."

- The Habit Reset Member

"Working with Eloise & Aaron has given me a better perspective on what I want for myself. Knowing that I can plan in my favourite foods any day makes me not so desperate for it. Thanks for helping me reduce my guilt around eating. I can make much better choices for myself now."

- The Habit Reset Member

"This program has given me a lot of growth and understanding about myself, my mindset, my habits, and the way I think about food. I'm so different now. Forget about those other diet programs, forget about fads, they're not going to work long-term. You want to be able to live your life - there's more to life than worrying about what you can and can't eat! This program will teach you how to enjoy your life while also reaching your weight loss goals."

- Fossa client

"Emotionally, I have changed a lot. I'm more positive to be around. I've lost weight, which is fantastic. I've learnt that I can tailor my eating to what works for me, I can have wine, coffee, and cake, and still lose weight! I don't feel like I have been restricted at all. It's something you do once and you won't have to do again. It's a sustainable lifestyle, it's not a diet. It's how you unlearn all the crazy things we are taught. It will give you all the tools, knowledge, and understanding of how to live a really happy, positive, and healthy life."

- Fossa client

Not sure if The Habit Reset is right for you?

While our membership is awesome, and can lead to some life-changing results that have a big impact, it’s also not for everyone. So let’s clear that up right now and determine if this is for you:

Who The Habit Reset IS For:

  • You’re serious about losing weight and keeping it off for good. You're ready to find a long-term solution.
  • You’re committed to figuring this out. You're ready to give up dieting for good and find a lifestyle that works for you.
  • You’re an action taker. You know that we can't do the work for you, so you're ready to test things and ask for help when you need it.
  • You’re open-minded and ready to try something new. You're open to being coached and willing to get honest with yourself.

Who The Habit Reset Is NOT For:

  • You want a “quick-fix” program, and don’t really care about truly changing your habits and behaviours for good.
  • You don't want to commit to a program beyond a few weeks. You like the idea of chasing “shiny objects” and doing new diets/programs over and over...
  • You want someone to guarantee results for you before you'll even give things a go. You expect to get results for work you're not willing to do.
  • You’re closed-minded and not willing to take responsibility or hold yourself accountable.

We are committed to the long-term success of our members, which is why we want to make sure The Habit Reset is right for you before you join - that way, it's a win-win for both of us!

What others say about working with us:

client taking notes from video - testimonial

"This program works! It’s easy to follow, it’s sustainable, it’s not restrictive, and you’re not spending every Sunday counting out calories and measuring everything."

- Fossa client
client testimonial after losing weight

"This has shown me that weight loss isn't as hard as I thought it would be. I'm proud of how I've been showing up for myself. When I see the results on the scale and in photos, I think - Wow, I did that!"

- Fossa client

"Aaron has introduced me to this program and right now I feel like I will be forever grateful."

- Fossa client
client testimonial after group call

"This coaching style really is a game changer. I’ve lost weight and I haven’t even changed what I eat!"

- Fossa client

"This program has been life changing. It's honestly the best thing I've ever done for myself."

- Fossa client

"You were very professional, you know your stuff, and I don’t want to work with someone who might have done a 6 week online course and they think they know everything. You practice what you preach, as does Eloise, and that shows through. It shows in how you nurture your clients, how you build your programs and the results that come from that”

- Fossa client

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this membership best suited to?

After many past attempts, I'm worried this won't work for me...

I have a busy schedule. How much time do I need to commit to this?

If I only have a little bit of weight to lose, or I've already lost weight, will this help me?

I have an existing health condition or special dietary requirements, will this still be relevant for me?

I am unable to exercise (very often, or at all)... Can I still do this program?

Is all of the content available straight away or is it time-released (drip fed)?

Can I upgrade to a 6 month membership later?

What happens if I decide to cancel my membership?

Can I access content released during my membership once I cancel?

I’m not 100% sure The Habit Reset is right for me, do you offer a trial so I can test it out?

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